Assistant Professor
Phone: +91-xxxxxxxxx
Email: ojing[at]
Date of Joining: xx/11/2023
Academic/Industrial Experience: 1+ Years
Google Scholar:
- Post Doctorate from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.
- Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India.
- M. Tech from North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, India.
- B. Tech from North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, India.
- Renewable Energy (Wind/Hydro/Solar/Bio-fuel)
- Low-speed Aerodynamics
- Experimental Fluid Mechanics
- Laminar and Turbulent Flow
- Data-driven Modelling
- Excess Energy Storage System, Integrated System, and Others
- Control and Optimal Estimation
- LabVIEW programming
- Hot Wire Anemometry
- Particle Image Velocimetry
- Wind/Water Tunnels
- Wind Tunnel Instrumentations (Multichannel Pressure Scanner, Acoustic/Transformer-based Torque Sensor, 3D Traverse System, 3 & 6- Components Force Balance, 3D FDM Printer, CTHWA, PIV, NI-DAQ, etc.)
- Thermomechanical Processing
- Erosion in Hydro Turbines
Dr. Ojing Siram has done his Ph.D. from IIT Guwahati, Post-Doctoral from IIT Bombay, and currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of ME, NIT Silchar, India. His field of interest are Renewable energy, Low-speed aerodynamics, Wind and Hydro power, Energy storage and conversion techniques, Integrated systems, and others. Dr. Siram has expertise in instruments like the Stereo particle image velocimetry, Hot-wire anemometry, Wind and water tunnels, High-speed cameras, and others.
- Engineering Mechanics
- Energy Science and Technology
- Experimental Techniques (@NERIST)
- Heat and Mass Transfer (@NERIST)
- LabVIEW Programming (@IITG/IITB)
- Wind Tunnel Experimentations (@IITG)
- Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Instrumentation Lab.
- Kumar, R., Siram, O., Saha, U. K., and Sahoo, N., 2024, “Wake flow characteristics of small wind turbine models with single- and double-rotor arrangements: A wind tunnel study.” AIP Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 16; p. 043304.
- Assegie, M. A., Siram, O., Kalita, P., and Sahoo, N., 2024, “Novel Small-Scale Spring Actuated Scissor-Jack Assembled Isobaric Compressed Air Energy Storage Tank: Design Analysis and Simulation.” Journal of Energy Storage 89; p. 111627.
- Assegie, M. A., Siram, O., Kalita, P., and Sahoo, N., 2023, “Thermo-Physical Characterization of Waste-Glass-Induced Packed Bed Material as Thermal Energy Storage Device for Compressed Air Energy Storage System,” ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 15(11); p. 111012.
- Siram, O., Shinde, S. Y., Kulkarni, V., and Sahoo, N., 2023, “In-depth Three-component Assessment of Wind Turbine Wake Using Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Under Low Tip Speed Ratio Conditions,” AIP Physics of Fluids 35(11); p. 115114.
- Siram, O., Barhate, S., and Sahoo, N., 2023, “Spiral Polar Plot (SPP) Analogy to Dictate the Two-Dimensional Depiction of Helical Vortex Lines.” International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics 16; pp. 166–175.
- Siram, O., Saha, U. K., and Sahoo, N., 2022, “Blade Design Consideration of Small Wind Turbines: From Classical to Bio-inspired Shapes/Profiles,” AIP Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 14, p. 042701.
- Siram, O., Kumar, R., Saha, U. K., and Sahoo, N., 2022, “A Comprehensive Review on Analytical Formulations of Wind Turbine Wake Models and Future Scope in the Development of Wind Farms of Assorted Configurations.” ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 144(11); p. 110801.
- Siram, O., Sahoo, N., and Saha, U. K., 2022, “Changing Landscape of India’s Renewable Energy and the Contribution of Wind Energy,” Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 8; p. 100506.
- Siram, O., Sahoo, N., and Saha, U. K., 2022, “Wind Tunnel Tests of a Model Small-Scale Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine Developed from Blade Element Momentum Theory,” ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 144(6); p. 064502.
- Siram, O., Kesharwani, N., Sahoo, N., and Saha, U. K., 2022, “Aerodynamic Design and Wind Tunnel Tests of Small-scale Horizontal-axis Wind Turbines for Low Tip Speed Ratio Applications,” ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 144(4); p. 041009.
- Siram, O., Kumar, R., Saha, U. K., and Sahoo, N., 2022, “Wind Tunnel Probe into an Array of Small-scale Horizontal-axis Wind Turbines Operating at Low Tip Speed Ratio Conditions,” ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 144(9); p. 091303.
- Siram. O., and Sahoo N., 2022, “Performance Assessment of Straight and Linearly Tapered Rotors Through Wind Tunnel Investigation for Off-Grid Applications,” Wind Engineering, 46(4); pp. 1291-1310.
- Siram, O., and Sahoo, N., 2019, “Near Wake Regime Study on Wind Turbine Blade Tip Vortex,” Paper No: GTINDIA2019-2493, ASME 2019 Gas Turbine India Conference. Dec. 5–6, IIT Madras.
- Siram, O., and Sahoo, N., 2021, “Characterizing the Helical Vortex Frequency of HAWT,” In: Bose M., Modi A. (eds) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research. Springer Proceedings in Energy. Springer, Singapore.
- Siram, O., and Sahoo, N., 2019, “Experimental Study on Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Wakes for Wind Farm Modelling,” Proceedings of the 25th National and 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference (IHMTC-2019), December 28-31, 2019, IIT Roorkee, India, IHMTC2019-ENE-741.
- Siram O., and Sahoo, N., 2022, “A statistical approach to determine and discretize the turbulent flow signature acquired using hot-wire anemometry,” Indo-German International Conference on Metrology for the Deployment of Green Hydrogen and Renewable Fuels in India, 4th – 6th April, 2022.
- Siram, O., Barhate, S. C., and Sahoo, N., 2022, “Spiral Polar Plot Analogy to Dictate the Two-Dimensional Depiction of Helical Vortex Lines (HLVs),” 67TH Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), Paper ID: PA0242, December 14-16, IIT Mandi, India.
- Barhate, S. C., Siram, O., and Sahoo, N., 2022, “Wake Modelling of Horizontal-axis Wind Turbine Using Sparse Identification of Non-Linear Dynamics (SINDy),” 67TH Congress of the Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM), Paper ID: PA0220, December 14-16, IIT Mandi, India.
- Kumar, R., Siram, O., Saha, U. K., and Sahoo, N., 2023, “Wind Tunnel Assisted Analysis on the Effect of Span-Wise Separation of Small Wind Turbines: A Near Wake Region Study.” Proceedings of the ASME 2023 Gas Turbine India Conference. ASME 2023 Gas Turbine India Conference. Bangalore, India. December 7–8, 2023. V001T06A003. ASME.
- Assegie, A. M., Siram, O., Kalita, P., and Sahoo, N., 2023, “Efficiency Assessment of Compressed Air Energy Storage System Coupled With Thermal Energy Storage Unit: Review.” Proceedings of the ASME 2023 Gas Turbine India Conference. ASME 2023 Gas Turbine India Conference. Bangalore, India. December 7–8, 2023. V001T03A004. ASME.
- Borah, P. P., Siram, O., and Das, B., 2024, “Nozzle Based Test Setup For Examining Sediment Erosion In Hydraulic Turbines.” International Conference on Advancement in Thermal-Spray, 17-20th July, 2024, IIT Patna.
- Mali, M., Siram, O., Biswas, A., and Das, B., 2024, “Thermal Coating in Hydrokinetic Turbines to Reduce Sediment Erosion: A Review.” International Conference on Advancement in Thermal-Spray, 17-20th July, 2024, IIT Patna.
- Currently Working as Assistant Professor at NIT Silchar, since November 2023.
- Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF) at the Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay.
- Junior Research Fellow (JRF) at the Technology Innovation Hub, IIT Guwahati.
- Assistant Professor (Contractual), NERIST, 2016.
- Worked as a Teaching Assistant for courses: Aircraft Propulsion, Applied Thermodynamics, and Advanced Thermodynamics and Combustion under the MOOCS program, IITG.
- Guided several national (NITs) and international (South Korea, Japan, and Spain) interns.
- Wind Tunnel Aerodynamics: TEQIP III Short Term Course, Feb. 17-21, 2021, IITG (As resource person).
- Introduction to LabVIEW: TEQIP III Short Term Course, Feb. 17-21, 2021, IITG (As resource person).
- Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship IIT Bombay.
- Ojing Siram and Niranjan Sahoo. Characterizing the helical vortex frequency of HAWT. Best Paper award at 7th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER), December 10-12, 2019, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India.
- Ojing Siram, Abhinay Rawat and Niranjan Sahoo. Wind Farm Modeling for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine. Best oral presentation in Research Conclave 17th March 2019, IITG.
- Ojing Siram and Anand Verma. Experimental Characterization of Subsonic Wind Tunnel. Best poster presentation in Research Conclave 16th March 2019, IITG.
- Under Top 10 Rank in the State Engineering Entrance Exam.
Sl. No | Name | Roll No. | Project Title | Supervisor |
1 | MANABENDRA MALI | 2326401 | Erosion Control in Low-Head Hydro Turbines | Dr. Ojing Siram and Dr. Agnimitra Biswas (2024-2025) |
- Project Title:- “Design, Development, and Testing of Sediment Erosion- Resistive Micro-Hydro Turbine for off-grid application” Funding Agency- Technology Innovation Hub (TIH), IITG (2024-2026). Ongoing