Dr. Sunilkumar D


Assistant Professor

Phone: +91- 8012828125
Email: sunilkumar[at]mech.nits.ac.in
Date of Joining: 13/07/2022
Academic/Industrial Experience: 2+ Years
Google Scholar: Click Here.


  • B.E.: Anna University, Chennai (2013)
  • M.E.: Anna University, Chennai (2015)
  • Ph.D.: NIT, Trichy  (2020)
  • Post Doc.: IIT Bombay (2021)


  • Welding Science
  • Materials Characterization
  • Heat Treatment
  • Mechanical Properties


Sunilkumar D received the B.E degree in Mechanical Engineering and M.E  Degree in Thermal Engineering stream from Anna University, Chennai, India, in 2013, and 2015 respectively. After the Post Graduation, he worked as a Project Associate for the BRNS sponsored Project entitled “Determining the most appropriate condition to avoid hydrogen embrittlement in modified 9Cr-1Mo steel weld joint in as welded condition” at Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Kalpakkam, India. After the successful completion of BRNS project, He registered Ph.D. in the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at NIT Trichy and completed in Jan 2021. Also, He was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (PDF) in the Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science at IIT Bombay. After completion of One year PDF, He was worked as a Temporary Faculty in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at IIEST Shibpur, Howrah, West Bengal India. Currently, He is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at NIT Silchar, Assam. He has published 9 SCI Indexed research article in the various reputed International Journals. His research interest includes Welding Science, Materials Characterization, Heat Treatment, Mechanical Properties etc.


  • Manufacturing Technology
  • Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
  • Engineering Mechanics
  • Mechanical Metallurgy
  • Materials Selection and Safety


  • Best poster award received from the International conference on Advanced Materials and manufacturing Processes for Strategic Sectors which is organized by Indian Institute of Metals  in the year of 2018.
  • Best poster award received from National Metallurgists Day organized by Indian Institute of Metals in the year of 2019.


  1. Sunilkumar, D., S. Muthukumaran, M. Vasudevan, S. Paneer Selvi, and Madhusudan G. Reddy. “Effect of Tool Rotation Speed on Microstructure and Hardness of Friction-Stir-Welded 9Cr-1Mo Steel.” Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 2019: 1-4. (Published-Impact factor: 1.43)
  2. Sunilkumar D, Muthukumaran S, Vasudevan M, Reddy MG. Effect of friction stir and activated-GTA welding processes on the 9Cr–1Mo steel to 316LN stainless steel dissimilar weld joints. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining. 2019 Nov 29:1-9. (Published-Impact factor: 4.11)
  3. Sunilkumar D, Muthukumaran S, Vasudevan M, Reddy GM. Tool rotational speed variant response on the evolution of microstructure and its significance on mechanical properties of friction stir welded 9Cr-1Mo steel. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2019 Dec 2:116536. (Published-Impact factor: 6.162)
  4. Sunilkumar D, Jithin Mathew, Muthukumaran S, Vasudevan M. Friction Stir Welding of 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel to 316LN Stainless Steel. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 73, 1689-1693 (Published-Impact factor:  1.43)
  5. Sunilkumar D, Muthukumaran S, Vasudevan M, Reddy GM. Microstructure and mechanical properties relationship of friction stir and A-GTAW welded 9Cr-1Mo steel to 2.25Cr-1Mo steel. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 30, 1221–1233 (2021). (Published-Impact factor: 2.09)
  6. Sunilkumar D, Hasan Shaikh, H. C. Dey, Shaju K. Albert. Remedies for Hydrogen-Embrittlement on Grade-91 Weld Joint during Long Delay in PWHT. Welding in the world, 1-12. (Published-Impact factor: 2.13)
  7. Sunilkumar D, C. Dey, Shaju K. Albert, Hasan Shaikh. Characterization of Interfacial Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Diffusion Bonded CP-Ti to AISI 304L Stainless Steel. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2020 (Published-Impact factor:  1.43)
  8. Thilaga M, Sunilkumar D, Muthukumaran S “EBSD study on Two Modes of Metal Flow Transfer in Friction stir Weldment” Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 2020 (Published-Impact factor:  1.43)
  9. Sarkar, A., Chavan, V., Pai, N.N., Prakash, A., Hazra, B., Raut, P., Sunilkumar, D., Sivananda, C., Kundu, S., Nag, S. and Basu, S., 2024. Publisher Correction: Reduction of Iron Ore Pellets: A Microstructural Perspective?. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A55(2), pp.706-706.






Sl. No. Name of the Scholar Status Research Area Supervision


Roll Number Name Year

Project Title
 2226210  Gourav Dey  2023 (On Going) Numerical Modelling on Induction Heating Assisted Selective Material Deposition for Surface Repair using Thin Zn Layer