Machine Element Laboratory

About Us

The Machine Element Laboratory associated with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT Silchar mainly refers to the fabrication of an elementary component of machine parts. Introduction to design of systems and machine elements; Modes of failure, strength, stiffness, and stability; Failure theories; Fatigue failure; Probabilistic approach to design. Detailed design of the above machine elements starting functional specifications to final sizing; Design of a subsystem involving multiple machine elements. Introduction to the use of techniques like the Finite Element Method (FEM) for design.

Sponsored Projects:

  1. “Machine Learning Based Design of Low Cost Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis for Divyangs and Development through Additive-Manufacturing of Recycled Plastic”, DST-SYST, Rs. 34.91 Lakhs, 2022 – 2024, Ongoing Dr. Vinyas Mahesh (PI), Dr. Sumit Bhowmik (Co-PI).
  2. “Utilization of Agro waste for development of bio composite materials for domestic appliances”, KVIC, Govt. of India, Rs. 15.00 Lakh, 2021 – 2023, Ongoing, Dr. S. Bhowmik (PI), Prof. S. Bandyopadhyay (Co-PI).
  3. “Experimental and computational analysis of heat sink application for optimal performance by developing low-cost natural filler reinforced the composite material” CPRI, MoP, Govt. of India, Rs. 22.63 Lakh, 2017-2019, Completed, Dr. S. Bhowmik (PI), Dr. B. Das  (Co-PI).


No. of Paper: Journal: 65; International Conference: 40; National Conference: 07; Book: 03: Book Chapter: 13; Patent: 03.



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Research Scholar (Alumni)

PhD Student

Post Graduate


Undergraduate Students



  • Top Cited Article recognition

Top Cited Article

  • Ms. Ananya Kalita (Batch 2020 – 2024), Received “Best Paper Presentation Award” – International Conference on Sustainable Research in Energy and Environment (SREE)-2024, 5th – 6th April 2024, Jointly organized by Department of Chemical Engineering & Centre for Energy and Environment, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar, Punjab, India, Sponsored by Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Ms. Geetakshi Teli (Batch 2018 – 2022), Received Gold Medal for “Best All Round Graduate” – 20th Convocation 2022, NIT Silchar.


Laboratory Glimpse
